速報APP / 攝影 / Sprite : Pixel Art Creator

Sprite : Pixel Art Creator



檔案大小:83.7 MB


版本需求:系統需求:iOS 9.0 或以後版本。相容裝置:iPhone、iPad、iPod touch。


Sprite : Pixel Art Creator(圖1)-速報App

Pixel Art is a creating modern masterpieces of digital art is simpler than ever! Enjoy the art of true color by number with Pixel Art coloring book. This color by number app will definitely make your time fly!

Just shelter from the stress of life and complete a variety of unique anti-stress artworks. Relief your stress together with friends and family members. It’s so fun and so easy to color you don’t even have to be good at art! Simply follow the numbers in squares. A special color palette suggests what color is what number.

Sprite : Pixel Art Creator(圖2)-速報App

Pixel Art Features:

> Currently have over 110 pixel images and we are making more.

Sprite : Pixel Art Creator(圖3)-速報App

> Create feature: load images from mobile gallery and create pixel images

> Zoom and pan the image

Sprite : Pixel Art Creator(圖4)-速報App

> Hold and drag for fast coloring

> Share the finished work to social network (Facebook, Twitter, Email ..).

Sprite : Pixel Art Creator(圖5)-速報App

> Vibration on error, sound and music

> Save your work to continue later

Sprite : Pixel Art Creator(圖6)-速報App

Pixel Art is more than just a coloring book for adults. It’s an entertaining way to relax and release your inner artist for free.

Sprite : Pixel Art Creator(圖7)-速報App

支援平台:iPhone, iPad